Space to learn, space to live
Schooling in the Bahnstadt district
Housed in the B³ community center at Gadamerplatz, the Bahnstadt elementary school opened its doors in time for the start of the 2017/2018 school year. Designed as a public all-day elementary school, the three-stream educational facility implements the model introduced by the state of Baden-Württemberg of three seven-hour days: All pupils are required to attend all-day schooling from Monday to Wednesday, but parents have the option to book all-day childcare for five days a week. The Bahnstadt school does much more than pay lip service to inclusion, allowing children with and without disability to learn alongside one another.

All-day school with state-of-the-art facilities
For the children in school years one to four, the completely barrier-free school building provides twelve classrooms with multipurpose areas for individualized learning. In addition, there are specialist rooms for music, cookery and painting, as well as rest areas and childcare rooms for the all-day program. The well-stocked school library is a treasure trove for bookworms. The adjoining gymnasium and large playground with a variety of play equipment provide the perfect opportunity to let off steam. With seating for 120, the school canteen is a place where pupils and teachers come together to eat lunch. It also acts as a venue for school events such as concerts and plays. The Bahnstadt primary school maintains a close working relationship with the Graf-von-Galen school in the Pfaffengrund district. It also runs joint projects with the Gadamerplatz daycare center, which is also housed in the B³ complex.
Top grades for Heidelberg’s schools
For more senior pupils, the greater Heidelberg area offers a wide range of secondary schools of all types and specialisms. Most schools can easily be reached by bicycle from the Bahnstadt district. The city of Heidelberg was awarded top marks in the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Learning Atlas of Germany for its diverse and exemplary educational provision. The university city came out top nationwide in the category for school-based learning.
Contact elementary school Bahnstadt:
Gadamerplatz 3
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 6221 41-0000